Books & Stationery
MBOTE-LINGALA A1+ ebook-PDF/Prévente
$12.52- EUR: 11.61€
- GBP: £10.00
Imaginez-vous en train de parler le lingala ou en train de chanter du Fally-Ipupa ? Voici pour vous Mbote-Lingala A1+, le deuxième volume de Mbote-Lingala A1, un complément de 18 leçons pour acquérir et valider toutes les compétences du niveau…-17%Off -
$1.25- EUR: 1.16€
- GBP: £1.00
Célébrer et revendiquer votre identité culturelle africaine avec ce calendrier en lingala où chaque couleur reflète la gloire, la fierté, l'authenticité des traditions de notre peuple. -
The boy wearing a red hat paperback
$8.75- EUR: 8.12€
- GBP: £6.99
The boy wearing a red hat is a short tale, telling the story of discovery of a young boy who believes that all people are equal and should live happily and in peace. When he realizes that the world he lives… -
The boy wearing a red hat Ebook
$5.94- EUR: 5.50€
- GBP: £4.74
The boy wearing a red hat is a short tale, telling the story of discovery of a young boy who believes that all people are equal and should live happily and in peace. When he realizes that the world he lives… -
Le Lion au pays des ours Format Papier
$10.01- EUR: 9.28€
- GBP: £7.99
Le Lion au pays des ours est un conte court et imaginaire basé sur l'histoire d'un lion qui a quitté sa terre natale et doit s'adapter à un nouvel environnement tout en restant fidèle à lui-même.  -
The lion in the midst of bears – paperback
$8.75- EUR: 8.12€
- GBP: £6.99
The lion in the midst of bears is a short metaphorical tale telling the story of a lion leaving his homeland and adapting to a new environnment whilst staying true to himself to build an enduring legacy. -
Le Lion au pays des ours Ebook
$3.98- EUR: 3.69€
- GBP: £3.18
Le Lion au pays des ours est un conte court et imaginaire basé sur l'histoire d'un lion qui a quitté sa terre natale et doit s'adapter à un nouvel environnement tout en restant fidèle à lui-même.  -
The lion in the midst of bears Ebook
$3.98- EUR: 3.69€
- GBP: £3.18
The lion in the midst of bears is a short metaphorical tale telling the story of a lion leaving his homeland and adapting to a new environnment whilst staying true to himself to build an enduring legacy. -
$6.26- EUR: 5.81€
- GBP: £5.00
Ce dictionnaire bilingue lingala-français français-lingala est destiné aux enseignants et apprenants de lingala ainsi qu'à tous les curieux des langues africaines. Il compte 1500 mots et expressions du lingala populaire de Kinshasa, avec des exemples d'usages dans les deux langues… -
11 Books for £49.99 Black History Activity Books Winter Special 2
$75.13- EUR: 69.66€
- GBP: £59.99
Get the entire catalog of the Black History Activity Books for a discounted price. This package includes: King Zumbi, Nana Yaw Asantewaa, Uncle Yasuke, Aunty Bessie, Â Uncle Elijah, Aunty Harriet, Uncle Martin, Aunty Rosa, Uncle Nelson, Uncle Huey and Uncle…-32%Off -
16 Books for £85.99 Black History Activity Books Winter Special
$107.69- EUR: 99.85€
- GBP: £85.99
Get the entire catalog of the Black History Activity Books for a discounted price. This package includes: Ras Tafari, Queen Amina, Uncle Marcus, Â Uncle Malcolm, King Zumbi, Nana Yaw Asantewaa, Uncle Yasuke, Aunty Bessie, Uncle Bob, Uncle Elijah, Aunty Harriet,…-33%Off -
$6.26- EUR: 5.81€
- GBP: £5.00
Le tout premier manuel pour apprendre le lingala -
Perfide: Pile ou Face
$7.41- EUR: 6.87€
- GBP: £5.92
Vous êtes vous déjà sentis dupés? Maurille, Jeune femme débordante d´énergie et d´assurance, s´apprêtait ce lundi là , comme à son habitude à rejoindre son train-train quotidien. Loin de sa dévotion au travail et sa vie sociale totalement inexistante, elle fit… -
Nubian Kings & Queens Book Bundle
$35.05- EUR: 32.50€
- GBP: £27.99
Get this exclusive deal 5 Title of Nubian Kings and Queens Including: Queen Nanny Queen Nanny is a Jamaican national hero! She was the spiritual, cultural and military leader of the Maroons during the 1700’s. The Maroons were African people…-30%Off -
Livre sonore : Barewa la gazelle et le talon enchanté
$17.76- EUR: 16.47€
- GBP: £14.18
«♬♬♪Je saute , je gambade , je suis la plus belle et je danse mieux que personne ♬♬♪ » Oui Barewa était la plus belle, oui elle dansait excellemment bien ! Mais … parce qu'il y a toujours un mais… -
Livre sonore berceuses et comptines d’Afrique
$36.62- EUR: 33.95€
- GBP: £29.24
Cible : Public de 1 ans à + « Berceuses et Comptines d'Afrique » est un livre sonore interactif pour les enfants de 1 ans et plus avec 10 chansons africaines diffusées en vedette la culture de différents pays. Les… -
Imperial Laptop Sleeve
$38.60 – $41.96- EUR: 35.79€ - 38.90€
- GBP: £30.82 - £33.50
This Laptop Bag is made of scuba fabric, it's soft and protects your computer. This bag takes up little space and is suitable for carrying. -
Crown Imperial Laptop Sleeve
$28.81 – $31.31- EUR: 35.79€ - 38.90€
- GBP: £30.82 - £33.50
This Laptop Sleeve is made of scuba fabric, which is soft and protects your computer. This bag takes up little space and is suitable for carrying. -
African Bedtime Songs Audiobook
$37.45- EUR: 34.72€
- GBP: £29.90
Custom made baseball cap with wax print, 100% soft cotton with an adjustable fit at the rear and a substantial peak to keep the sun out of your eyes. Multiple designs and colours. Unique piece made by Ozas PROD99. -
The Natural Hair Planner ®
$28.79- EUR: 26.70€
- GBP: £22.99
 The Natural Hair Planner was especially created for women with afro and curly textured hair, who want to to stay organised on their natural hair journey. The Natural hair planner helps you capture key natural hair routine tasks such as wash… -
Mon Afrique en Alphabet
$31.81- EUR: 29.49€
- GBP: £25.40
Apprendre l'histoire et la culture du continent de manière ludique: c'est le pari de Mon Afrique en Alphabet, un jeu éducatif et instructif. Un ensemble de 26 cartes, au fil de l'alphabet, illustré par des proverbes courts et faciles à … -
Black History Legends Colouring Book
$13.76- EUR: 12.76€
- GBP: £10.99
Black History Legends Colouring Book The black History Legends Colouring Book features over 30 legends from history all the way from ancient Egypt to the modern day… Covering Inventors, Entrepreneurs, Leaders, Freedom fighters, Kings, Queens, Emperors and Empresses!-15%Off -
Uncle Muhammad Ali Activity Book
$10.01- EUR: 9.28€
- GBP: £7.99
Uncle Muhammad This book primarily focuses on the life and times of Muhammad Ali. Uncle Muhammad was a legendary boxer who was involved in some of the greatest fights of all time. He was also a revolutionary political figure who…-20%Off -
Uncle Bob Marley Activity Book
$10.01- EUR: 9.28€
- GBP: £7.99
Uncle Bob This book primarily focuses on the life and times of Bob Marley. Uncle Bob is a musical legend who is one of the most loved artists to this day! Uncle Bob brought the sweet sound of reggae music…-20%Off